SystemTools 'ToolNews' - January 23, 2013 - Hyena v9.2 Updates and More
- Hyena v9.2 Updated
- Other News
- Hyena Receives WindowsNetworking.com Award
- Exporter Pro Updated
- Hyena 2013 Survey
- Tips
- Managing Processes with Hyena
- Hyena Maintenance
- Resources
- SystemTools' Discussion Board
- Help Us Keep You Informed
- Help Us Spread the Word !
- Contact Information
Hyena v9.2 Updated |
Hyena v9.2 has been updated to rev 'D'. This and previous updates address issues since the initial v9.2 release, including:
Rev 'B' - Fixed problem with Computer Properties > General not displaying the computer roles correctly on Windows XP and Windows 2003 clients.
Rev 'C' - Fixed Exchange 2010 template listing issue with a template name exactly 50 characters long.
Rev 'C' - Fixed the Exchange 2010 template dialog to prevent changing the template name (renaming template not supported)
Rev 'C' - Increased size of template selection list on new mailbox dialog and added ascending sort to template list
Rev 'C' - Added sort to template list on Exchange 2010 properties dialog
Rev 'C' - Added advanced option for defaulting alias to 'samaccountname' when creating Exchange 2010 mailboxes. See the 'DefaultExchange20xxAlias' setting under the Advanced Settings topic in Help for more information.
Rev 'C' - Fixed another sorting issue when viewing deleted Active Directory objects.
Rev 'C' - Fixed user group member removal from right window when the 'Account Functions' option was used on user(s) from the right window.
Rev 'C' - Fixed open files issue when viewing open files through an Active Directory view.
Rev 'C' - Fixed user group deletion confirmation message to better reflect the source of the deletion request.
Rev 'D' - Fixed problem with the clipboard copy function on group membership displays trying to include a group name from a query that does not include the group name. Previously, Hyena would include the group name on such displays depending on the Advanced Setting "IncludeGroupNameOnClipboardCopy". This setting is no longer applicable to Active Directory group member displays in v9.2, as the user is now in control of what fields are included in the output. To include the group name when copying Active Directory group memberships to the clipboard or output file, include the special symbol %SYM_AD_GROUP_NAME% in the query. See the Special AD Symbols attribute category list for a complete list of group symbols.
Rev 'D' - Fixed a problem with removal of group memberships from a group membership query when the default query was modified.
For users who missed our Hyena 9.2 announcement late last year, the primary new feature in Hyena v9.2 is the capability to customize group membership displays, much like any other Active Directory query. With v9.2, group membership listings can include the user's email address, phone numbers, or any number of attributes that you choose to add to the display. Multiple queries can be created and customized as well. The new group membership query capability applies to all groups and members, including listing direct and indirect (nested) members, as well as listing the current members of dynamic groups.
To get a complete look at all of the new features in this release, visit our What's New page.
To receive a free update to Hyena v9.2, your maintenance expiration date must be after November 1, 2012. See the 'Hyena Maintenance' topic below for information on updating and how to check the maintenance expiration date. Everyone who purchased a Hyena v9.0 license is eligible for a free upgrade to v9.2.
Hyena v9.2 is available now in both x86 and x64 versions in English, French, German, and Spanish. Visit the main Hyena download page to get this upgrade, including the current rev 'D'.
Other News |
Hyena Receives WindowsNetworking.com Award
On December 19, 2012, leading Windows networking resource site, WindowsNetworking.com, announced that Hyena was selected as the winner in the Network Administration category of the WindowsNetworking.com Readers’
Choice Awards.
“Our Readers’ Choice Awards give visitors to our site the opportunity to vote for the products they view as the very best in their respective category,” said Sean Buttigieg, WindowsNetworking.com manager.
“WindowsNetworking.com users are specialists in their field who encounter various solutions for Enterprise Networking at the workplace. The award serves as a mark of excellence, providing the ultimate recognition from peers within the industry.”
We appreciate the help of everyone who participated in the Windows Networking.com poll and have made Hyena one of the top Windows and Active Directory management tools available.
For more information on the WindowsNetworking.com Readers' Choice Awards, click here.
Exporter Pro Updated
The standalone version of Exporter Pro has been updated to v2.6 'D'. This is the same version that is included with the current release version of Hyena. This is a free upgrade for anyone who has licensed and purchased Exporter Pro independently, or has an older version of Hyena which may include an older version of Exporter Pro. This is a free upgrade. For download and product information, visit http://www.systemtools.com/exporter.
Hyena 2013 Survey
We have created a short and simple survey for Hyena users, so that we can determine what features are being used, and most importantly, what are some of the features that we should focus future development on. To participate, and to enter a drawing for free 'Hyena' T-Shirts, visit:
Remember to supply your email address to be entered into the drawing at the end of the survey. We will notify participants the first week of February.
Tips |
Managing Processes with Hyena
The integration of WMI in Hyena allows for a number of process management capabilities, including listing remote processes, executing a remote program or script, and process termination. Normally, WMI features are only available with the Enterprise Edition of Hyena, but the WMI process functions are also available in the Standard Edition.
How to List all Processes
Select one or more computers, right-click and choose WMI > Execute Query > Processes, then click the Execute Query button. This view can be sorted by process name to determine which computers are running the process you are interested in, and can also be used to terminate processes using the method below.
How to Remotely Terminate a Process
The Win32_Process method allows for terminating remote processes. View Processes on a remote computer or selection of computers by right-clicking and choosing WMI > Execute Query > Processes, then click the Execute Query button. Then, locate the process you want to terminate, right-click on it and choose Terminate Process.
How to Remotely Execute a Script or Program
Right-click on a computer, or selection of computers in Hyena, choose WMI and you will see a Create Process option. The Create Process function in Hyena utilizes the Win32_Process.Create method in Windows to remotely create new processes. The Win32_Process.Create method can be used to remotely execute non-interactive scripts or programs.
For more information on the Win32_Process.Create method, visit:
Our support team recently came across an interesting example for using this function to remotely install Mozilla Firefox on a selection of computers. The steps involved to remotely execute a program such as the Firefox installation, as an example:
Download Mozilla Firefox onto the remote computer's c:\temp directory. Then from your system, in Hyena, right-click on the remote computer and select WMI > Create Process, then enter:
Command Line: C:\temp\firefox.exe –ms
Working Directory: C:\temp
Click OK. Check the remote computer and you should see that Firefox has been installed.
Scripts and programs executed using this method must be non-interactive, so in this example we used –ms, which is the switch used by Firefox to install silently. Also note that error and progress messages aren't returned to this method, so make sure you have sufficient permissions to install applications on the remote computer(s), that all paths are correct, etc.
Hyena Maintenance |
All Hyena licenses have a built-in maintenance expiration date, which can be displayed under the Tools > Settings > Licensing dialog. The maintenance expiration date determines whether new releases can be installed with the active license. If your maintenance has recently expired or about to expire, it can be renewed now. For maintenance information and renewal options, visit:
If you prefer to get an email quotation on maintenance renewal, send your current license information to sales@systemtools.com and request a maintenance renewal quote. You can easily get the current license information under Hyena's Tools > Settings > Licensing dialog.
If your maintenance expiration date is before November 1, 2012, the upgrade cost is only 50% of the licensing cost, which includes one year of maintenance.
Maintenance expirations on or after November 1, 2012 can be renewed now.
Resources |
SystemTools' Discussion Board
Our online discussion board, with thousands of postings, is a great online resource for all Hyena users. Our discussion board can be both a source for solutions to frequently encountered problems, but also a place to learn how others use many of Hyena's features. To access our discussion board, visit:
There is also a link on Hyena's Help menu (Help > Online Discussion Board) to go directly to our discussion board.
Help Us Keep You Informed
Help us keep you and other users in your organization informed of updates and releases of SystemTools products.
Any Hyena user can register for this newsletter (ToolNews) by selecting "Newsletter Signup" on Hyena's Help menu. You can also go directly to our
ToolNews registration page as well. We could also use the help of our existing customers by passing along this newsletter to other SystemTools users within your company.
We use an automated service to handle sending this newsletter, including subscribing and unsubscribing. All new subscriptions require confirmation, and we will never share our newsletter email list with anyone.
Help Us Spread the Word !
For over 15 years Hyena has helped tens of thousands of IT managers, administrators, help desk personnel, and auditors simplify the management and reporting of Windows. We have found over and over that the number one source of newcomers to our products has come from word-of-mouth of other happy users. The entire SystemTools Software family and community would very much appreciate it if you would mention Hyena to friends and associates that you feel could use it to simplify their jobs as well.
As our user base has grown, the amount and quality of feature recommendations has grown as well, making for an even better product for existing and future users. Simply put, the more we grow the exposure of SystemTools Software products, the more return you get from your investment.
Thank you for your help in keeping Hyena improving and growing !
Contact Information |
Sales - sales@systemtools.com
Support - support@systemtools.com
Telephone - 1-877-SYS-TOOL (1-877-797-8665) or International Customers -
SystemTools Software Inc.
P.O. Box 1209
La Vernia, TX 78121
Thank you for your support.