
 New Features in Hyena v16.0

Hyena v15 New Features in Hyena 16.0

Hyena v16.0 contains a number of new features and improvements, building on improvements to the base v15.x platform including:

  • Rebuilt the SystemTools Remote Control Manager (STRCM) to current VC runtime to prevent need to install older Microsoft runtime files.

  • Modified check for updates and license verification functions for improved privacy and security.

  • Fixed setting "Protect Object from Accidental Deletion" and "User Cannot Change Password" by using Windows Powershell instead of Microsoft API functions which no longer function properly on some Windows versions.

Other Changes

Event Log

    • Fixed event log filter offset date range for days to properly set end date when not using "Include Today" option.

    • Removed trailing and leading blanks and tabs from event log filters for event IDs, source, and user/group.

    • Added error message when event log cannot be opened due to Windows 11 update bug.

Task Management

    • Fixed display of task logon type on task Properties for tasks created or copied from v1.0 New Task function.

    • Added better support for task compatibility types, including Windows 10/11.


    • Fixed GUI glitch that added Active Directory 'Users' base note to new user preview window.

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 New Features in Hyena v15.2

Hyena v15 Custom Color Settings

Customized color options are available for Hyena's primary interface windows, and optionally, other controls as well.  See the Custom Color Settings topic in Hyena's help file for more information on setting up customized colors.  Once set, the custom colors can be selected or quickly switched back to the Windows default.

Hyena v15 Find and Select Duplicates

A new option to find and select duplicate entries has been added to the Select menu on the main ribbon bar. This duplicate selection feature can be used to search any column in the results window to find and select duplicate entries.

Other Hyena v15.2 Changes

  • Increased size of Grouping "Group By..." dialog
  • Modified Settings > Display dialog for consistency with other dialogs.
  • Removed Settings > GUI double buffer option.  Double buffering automatically enabled for all list controls.
  • Modified Settings > Active Directory dialog to remove references to Windows 2003 on INetOrgPerson option.
  • Added search option to top of AD Queries dialog to allow searching and selecting queries by name.
  • Added Windows error code to open file errors to help in diagnosing issues.

 New Features in Hyena v15.0

An Innovative New Grouping Feature for All Window Contents

This new Hyena v15.0 feature, similar to a Microsoft Excel pivot table, provides sub-totals for any grouped column. This new capability is available for any results displayed in Hyena's right window, including any Active Directory query. Individual groups can be selectively expanded or collapsed, with sub-totals provided for the number of objects in each group as well as the number of groups.

Hyena v15 Advanced Active Directory Group Member Features

Hyena v15.0 adds two new features specific to group members:

Temporary Group Member Support - Windows Server 2016 added the capability to assign group memberships temporarily. Hyena v15.0 now supports both assigning members to groups temporarily as well as viewing the remaining TTL value.

Optional Primary Group Retrieval - Individual group member queries can now optionally not retrieve primary group information, which can have a substantial increase in query retrieval performance.

Other Hyena v15.0 Changes

  • Added support for updating large integer values to 'Manage Directory Attributes' function and the Active Editor.

  • Added support for ADSTYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING multi-valued attributes to Active Task.

  • Increased maximum AD queries to 399 from 299.

  • Added support for running AD queries against multiple OUs in object groupings from the right window.

  • Fixed issue with viewing open files on non-Windows servers that did not properly handle the Windows Open Files API function.

  • Added option to edit OU query targets.

  • Improved performance to save AD query changes when only query ordering was modified.

  • Added several advanced settings to complement new features, including TTLDisplayFormat, ShowTempMembersIconOnProperties, and DoNotShowPrimaryGroupsInProperties.

  • Rev 'B' (February 2, 2023) - Official release, versioned as Rev 'B' due to Pre-release

  • Rev 'C' (February 27, 2023) - Fixed graphic artifact when moving custom tools into a submenu.

  • Rev 'C' (February 27, 2023) - Fixed problem with incorrect tool menu captions on ribbon tool menu under certain situations.

  • Rev 'C' (February 27, 2023) - Added images to Group By dialog.

  • Rev 'C' (February 27, 2023) - Added option to automatically display groups collapsed when using Group By on ribbon menu.

  • Rev 'C' (February 27, 2023) - Worked around Windows 11 bug that caused non-localed date/times on AD displays.

  • Rev 'C' (February 27, 2023) - Added DN path to error message when using find feature of user account lockout .

 New Features in Hyena v14.4

Hyena v14.4 Hyena v14.4 Contains a Number of New Features and Improvements

  Building on the base v14.x platform, new features & improvements include:

  • Updated Exporter Pro with new GUID attributes; Exporter Pro version is now v3.3.0.

  • Added option to select duplicates in 'Select From File' option.

  • Added 'View Logon Information' function for most Computer objects.

  • Added option to show RODCs to the user 'View Logon Information' dialog.

  • Added grouping options to the 'Show Logged On Users' function.

  • Fixed sorting on the Group Member Matrix view.

  • Added additional logic to acquire the domain SID when managing users to prevent error when running on lower-priv'ed accounts.

  • Local groups with user accounts from trusted domains will now show the AD Properties dialog instead of NT-style dialog.

  • Member Global groups of local groups on computers will now show the AD Properties (or Shell) dialog instead of NT-style dialog.

  • Created advanced settings to disable the above behavior, 'UseLocalPropDialogForLocalAdUsers' and 'UseLocalPropDialogForLocalAdGroups'.

  • Added ms-DS-ConsistencyGUID to the list of GUIDs for proper display.

  • Preview window on User Properties will now use AD functions to show AD groups members.

  • Added default server to 'Add to User...' function to avoid errors when run on non-domain joined computers.

  • Added advanced setting 'DisableHyenaInternetAccess'.

 New Features in Hyena v14.2

Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Foundation Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Foundation

Continuing the changes started in v14.0, Hyena v14.2 has been rebuilt on the Visual Studio (VS) 2019 platform.

VS 2019 is the latest and current Microsoft development environment, enabling better security, compatibility, and conformance to industry standards.

Other Hyena v14.2 Changes

  • Internal changes for Visual Studio 2019 compatibility, performance, and runtime changes.

 New Features in Hyena v14.0

Password Visibility Options Password Visibility Options

Hyena v14.0 includes options on many of its dialogs that allow for the password being entered to be made visible, as well as copied, to prevent from having to enter the password twice. This new feature is similar to what is found on many web-based password entry fields, providing for both flexibility and security depending on the environment that the application is being used in.

Note: This feature does not display an existing password, as Hyena has no mechanism to know what it is.

Built with Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Built with Microsoft Visual Studio 2015

Hyena v14.0 has been rebuilt using Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Previous versions of Hyena used an older platform, which will have limited Microsoft support going forward due to their EOL policies. VS 2015 is a modern and supported development environment that will have many years of continuing support.

VS 2015 also brings a number of internal improvements to applications built on its platform including improved libraries, security through Control Flow Guard (CFG) support, and more.

Other Hyena v14.0 Changes

  • Added enable/disable task to the task context menu.

  • Added Advanced Setting 'IgnoreIndirectGroupSelfMembers'. This option is used to prevent Hyena traversing into a group that is a member of itself. Use the Settings > Advanced menu option to access this new setting.

  • Changed 'Cell Phone' to 'Mobile Phone' on dialogs.

  • Corrected help system landing page when clicking the Help button on Settings pages.

  • Rev 'B' (June 1, 2020) - Fixed crashes that occurred when moving AD objects or using WOL function due to incompatibilities with newer VC runtime.

  • Rev 'B' (June 1, 2020) - Corrected mechanism used to display contact group members in the Group Member Matrix function.

  • Rev 'C' (June 30, 2020) - Worked around issue with displaying secondary property pages on the Shell Properties that caused a crash when displaying subsequent pages.

  • Rev 'C' (June 30, 2020) - Corrected crashing issue when sorting on trusts view, AD attributes view, and other views due to newer VC runtime.

  • Rev 'D' (July 7, 2020) - Removed code that, when errors were encountered during a group copy, attempted to add a new group by SID to other groups, if the group being copied was members of other groups.

 New Features in Hyena v13.8

New Primary Interface

New Hyena Interface

Hyena v13.8 has a fresh new look, with a cleaner interface that offers a lot of customization. Besides looking a bit different than a standard menu/toolbar interface, the new Microsoft ribbon-style interface supports a number of built-in features, including:

  • Eight (8) adjustable styles.

  • Customizable 'Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)', which can be positioned above or below the main ribbon. Any button, button group, menu, or even custom tools can be added to the QAT.

  • Optional minimizing of the ribbon, which can then be made visible by clicking on the remaining menu or keystroke (Control-F1).

  • Automatic layout adjustments for resizing, screen resolution, and O/S versions.

Other Hyena v13.8 Changes

  • Defaulted AD container to last used container on new AD object dialog.

  • Changed defaults and added 'Service Accounts' to list of object filters for AD search dialog when add group members to groups.

  • Added new advanced settings EnableAdFindGrpMbrsContacts and EnableAdFindGrpMbrsComputers.

  • Added new symbol, %SYM_AD_DATE_TIME% to be used for adding the current date/time to any AD query.

  • Rev 'B' (December 4, 2019) - Added support for 'ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime' attribute (display as date/time).

  • Rev 'B' (December 4, 2019) - Removed outdated menu references in dialogs and error messages.

  • Rev 'B' (December 4, 2019) - Implemented alternate new licensing key system and changed prompts.

  • Rev 'B' (December 4, 2019) - Changed About... dialog format and added Check for Updates option.

  • Rev 'C' (January 16, 2020) - Defaulted UseAdSignAndSeal to TRUE.

  • Rev 'C' (January 16, 2020) - Fixed Microsoft misspelling on ribbon bar.

  • Rev 'C' (January 16, 2020) - Increased size of caption for 'Comment' in Object manager to avoid large-font truncation.

  • Rev 'C' (January 16, 2020) - Disabled errors when attempting to get disabled status of event log, to prevent premature exit of event log listing function.

  • Rev 'C' (January 16, 2020) - Changed icon image in left window for EVTX logs (removed exclamation overlay) .

  • Rev 'C' (January 16, 2020) - Re-enabled screen redraw suppression when performing GUI-intensive tasks to increase performance on some actions (ie Filtering, buffering, etc.) Conversion to new ribbon interface in v13.8 resulted in previous refresh management being disabled, resulting in slow performance on some actions.

  • Rev 'D' (March 2, 2020) - Changed method used to reference memory when accessing internal list window data, including when sorting, filtering, and recalling views, preventing crashes on some Windows versions, and to prepare for migration to new Visual Studio versions.

  • Rev 'D' (March 2, 2020) - Allowed the 'Find' function to access the username / password entered for alternate credentials.

  • Rev 'D' (March 2, 2020) - Fixed the Update Check utility to recognize new licensing key.

New Features in Hyena v13.5

AD Query Container Targeting AD Query Container Targeting

Hyena's AD query capabilities have been expanded to now allow a default query to be assigned to one or more AD containers. Previously, an administrator's knowledge of what is in a particular AD container would require manually selecting the query to be executed from the context menu. With this new feature, a specific set of containers/OUs can be assigned to be the default view. This saves time when using customized queries to view specific object attributes. Moreover, a top-level container can be used as a wildcard to target all sub-containers.

Other Hyena v13.5 Changes

  • Added 'Protect object from accidental deletion' on object Property dialogs (Security page).

  • Prevented executing a query when nothing is selected.

  • Changed caption of 'Active Editor' to 'Active Tools' (Tools > Settings) and added option to change Active Task default directory.

  • Added check for 'IIS APPPOOL' in the 'Show Logged On Users' function to prevent domain lookup errors.

  • Added checks in several functions to prevent adding a group as a member of itself.

  • Corrected the display when the DnDisplayFormat setting is '1' and the object is at the root of the directory.

  • Rev 'B' (August 14, 2019) - Corrected issue with the German version not recognizing 'NT-AUTORITAT' as being a builtin security context and not a domain.

  • Rev 'B' (August 14, 2019) - Corrected right window display for policies where the computer policies were disabled.

  • Rev 'B' (August 14, 2019) - Fixed problem with 'domain' lookup for local users with 'IIS APPPOOL' source.

  • Rev 'B' (August 14, 2019) - Added sorting to the user rights display in the left tree window.

  • Rev 'B' (August 14, 2019) - Fixed problem where OUs protected from accidental deletion did not display correctly on Properties dialog.

  • Rev 'B' (August 14, 2019) - Force registration of SystemTools_PSI.dll on startup (always) for use by non-Microsoft Exchange functions.

  • Rev 'B' (August 14, 2019) - Used different Windows functions to list global groups and users for non-Active Directory displays due to bug introduced by Microsoft Windows Server 2016 update.

Hyena v13.2 New Features

Exporting Using Qualifiers Exporting Using Qualifiers

All of Hyena's exporting options have been upgraded to support optionally specifying a data qualifier. Options include using either the single or double quote qualifier, which are the two common qualifiers supported by Microsoft Excel and Access. This new feature will help with exporting data, typically in Active Directory, that contains embedded control and/or delimiter characters, such as a comma.

Other Hyena v13.2 Changes

  • Hyena, Exporter Pro, and all support applications are now built with a newer version of Microsoft Visual Studio (2010 SP1), using different Microsoft redistribution packages than previous versions.

  • Corrected lookup issue when updating DN-formatted attributes in Active Task and Active Editor where the DN path started with lowercase CN=.

  • Updated LDAP query parameters rules to allow < and > operator (in addition to =) for handling of date comparisons.

  • Added Descending sort option to Query Manager.

  • Added event log entry lookup option to replication view.

  • Saved the Tools > Settings > General : 'Save these settings' into registry.

  • Added 'BitLocker' and 'Inactive Users' queries to the AD Query Library.

Update and Revision History

  • Rev 'B' (November 2, 2018) - Restored the option to modify custom attributes on the User Properties dialog (Custom tab) inadvertently removed with older Exchange functions.

  • Rev 'C' (November 28, 2018) - Removed DPI-awareness default of 'Yes' from the manifest file, which as auto-added by new MS development upgrade.

  • Rev 'C' (November 28, 2018) - Changed all http: to https: links in software and help documents.

  • Rev 'C' (November 28, 2018) - Added digital signature to internal InstallShield setup.exe file.

  • Rev 'D' (January 8, 2019) - Fixed problem with improperly formatted server path causing share session disconnect function to fail.

Hyena v13.0 New Features

Replication View Replication View

Hyena's new Active Directory replication view allows for real time and historical viewing of all directory replication information. Available for any Active Directory object, the replication metadata can be used to assist in troubleshooting replication issues, as well as determining which directory attributes have been changed. Options include selecting all or specific domain controllers and which attributes to include in the replication query scope.

Other Hyena v13.0 Changes

  • Added flexible group attribute symbol method to group members query.

  • Added 'Copy <attribute value>' to AD context menus.

  • Added images to list view header when filtering was performed on any column.

  • Changed 'scheduled jobs' to 'scheduled tasks' for better consistency with Windows terminology.

  • Made Unicode the default exporting option for text files.

  • Added 'member' and 'memberof' to list of attributes that will display the [...] button on AD query parameters.

  • Added validation to the log file field (Tools > Settings > Logging).

  • Added error message upon startup to close Hyena when run on Windows NT.

  • Added support for modifying Generalized Time/UTC DATE attributes to Active Task.

  • Modified method to create GPO report.

  • Minor changes to licensing dialogs and added disclaimer for GDPR compliance.

  • Worked around NetApp bug on share properties that resulted in NetApp devices being unable to resolve well-known Windows groups such as 'Everyone'.

Update and Revision History

  • Rev 'B' (May 23, 2018) - Corrected GUI display issue for the domain controllers on the Replication View dialog.

  • Rev 'C' (July 16, 2018) - Added 'UseLeastAccessRights' advanced setting.

  • Rev 'C' (July 16, 2018) - Corrected display problem for local user details, causing data to be shifted in display columns.

Hyena v12.7 New Features

Select From File Select From File

Hyena can now select entries in the list window (right results window) from any matching designated column in a text file. This feature is useful if an external source of information needs to be used as a basis of finding and selecting the matching or non-matching items from, for example, the results of an Active Directory query. Options include file delimiter options, matching field selection, selection or non-selection results clearing, and a 'preview' option to view results.

Other Hyena v12.7 Changes

  • Added 'View Group Memberships' to computer context menu.

  • Added Service description to service display fields. To use this option, add the description column under Tools > Settings > Display.

  • Added support for printable string, numeric string, and exact string data types to Active Task.

  • Improved support for Dynamic Distribution Groups.

  • Created warning to discourage symbols in first two columns of Active Directory queries.

Update and Revision History

  • Rev 'C' (January 5, 2018) - Added 'ShowAdDollarSuffixObjects' to advanced settings.

  • Rev 'B' (December 11, 2017) - Increased AD queries limit to 300.

  • Rev 'B' (December 11, 2017) - Added 'Triggered' to service type for triggered services.

Hyena v12.5 New Features

Active Task Matching Options Active Task Matching Options

Added Key match option to Active Task when performing Active Directory update tasks. The new key option allows for any unique directory attribute to be used as a 'match' field when updating directory objects. One or more scopes can be defined, and saved as reusable templates, which serve as a starting point for directory searches when finding matching directory entries.

Other Hyena v12.5 Changes

  • Worked around error when using add/remove group function to remove user from group that they are not a member.

  • Created new function for setting/unsetting "User Must Change Password at next Logon".

  • Added message for selection count on Control-A (Select All).

  • Modified Copy Group Members function to work directly with Active Directory.

  • Added Add/Remove from Group option when multiple group member object types are selected.

  • Added "Show Directory Security" menu option to GPO context menu.

  • Added Display Name to the "View Directory Security" view/display.

  • Changed method when showing Trusts on Import Domains... function.

Update and Revision History

  • Rev 'B' (May 5, 2017) - Fixed problem that caused the Active Task Match scope file to be saved with the wrong file extension.

  • Rev 'B' (May 5, 2017) - Added logic to skip attempting to update multi-valued attributes without any information after the update prefix symbol.

  • Rev 'C' (May 26, 2017) - Corrected problem that caused changes made to some property pages on the Active Task options to not be saved.

  • Rev 'C' (May 26, 2017) - Corrected problem that caused changes made to some property pages on the Active Task options to not be saved.

  • Rev 'D' (July 6, 2017) - Fixed Exporter Pro so that when using the 'export unsolved SIDs' option on local groups, the SID string does not overwrite the parent group name.

  • Rev 'D' (July 6, 2017) - Worked around change in Windows 10 that caused the 'Install Printer' option to not work on remote computers. Also created a new advanced setting (Tools > Settings > Advanced), "Windows10InstallPrinterCmd" that can be used to control which command is used on Windows 10 and later to install printers.

  • Rev 'E' (August 23, 2017) - Fixed problem with the parameter replacement option not working for attribute names that contain a number.

  • Rev 'E' (August 23, 2017) - Fixed problem with Active Tasks that only updated the password on a user account.

  • Rev 'E' (August 23, 2017) - Disallowed attempting to display AD symbols in queries in the left tree window (not supported).

  • Rev 'E' (August 23, 2017) - Changed the method used to determine the Windows version on the local machine when using the 'Install Printer' option addressed in Rev 'D' (see above).

Hyena v12.2 New Features

Enhanced Server View Enhanced Server View

In previous versions of Hyena, the 'Servers' listing for Active Directory domains has always relied upon using the Windows browse list. Hyena v12.2 introduces a new feature to retrieve servers from multiple Active Directory containers or organizational units, including options to search sub-containers and configure the attributes to display.

Other Hyena v12.2 Changes

  • Fixed problem with being unable to modify Integer (I4) value in the Active Editor that didn't have a previously set value.

  • Added error check to Active Task to require new users to have a password specified.

  • Inserted escape character into RDN in Active Task if it contained a comma character.

  • Removed 'Send Message' computer menu option, due to Microsoft removing the Messenger service from Windows. This option can be re-enabled through an advanced setting "DisableSendMessageMenu" available under Tools > Settings > Advanced.

  • Enabled RAS information to be retrieved (and updated) by the "UpdateRasThruAdAttributes" advanced setting (Tools > Settings > Advanced).

  • Modified Ping behavior (Tools > Settings > View, Ping Options) to show TTL expiration or other messages when the ping returned with an error code.

  • Exporter Pro - Added new object export count to the progress message for Active Directory exports.

Update and Revision History

  • Rev 'B' (November 29, 2016) - Worked around an issue on all previous versions of Hyena that resulting in the wrong Windows version number being display on Computer Properties > General for Windows 10 and later Windows versions. This is caused by the remote computer registry entry not being updated in these Windows versions. Hyena will now get this version information with a different method.

  • Rev 'C' (February 6, 2017) - Changed the icon image displayed next to group members that are foreignSecurityPrincipals (FSPs) and that have a mangled DN due to automatic insertion of CNF: into the SID string (Microsoft convention used to show that a duplicate account was encountered).

  • Rev 'C' (February 6, 2017) - Worked around problem of the sessions listing being blank when attempting to view the sessions on non-Microsoft servers (ie NetApp) due to appliances not supporting some information levels. Hyena will automatically attempt to re-query the sessions using a lower information level in these cases.

  • Rev 'C' (February 6, 2017) - Fixed bug in Active Task Properties that caused changes to be ignored if an input file record was selected after task validation.

  • Rev 'C' (February 6, 2017) - Fixed bug in Active Directory user deletion that would skip running a post-user batch file if configured.

Hyena v12.0 New Features

Group Policy Links View Group Policy Links View

Hyena's new Group Policy Links view can be used to display information on all GPOs linked to one or more organization units, including listing the number of policies, policy order, status, and WMI filtering information.

While the GPMC can be used to get this same information, its limited to only showing GPO links for a single organizational unit. Hyena's GPO link view can display this information for any number of OUs at the same time.

Active Directory Statistics View Active Directory Statistics View

The new 'Active Stats' view in Hyena makes it easy to display the total number and type of objects contained in one or more selected containers and organizational units. The 'Stats' view can show the number of objects for each object class or selected object classes.

Other options include sub-level searching, optional indentation for sub-containers, skipping disabled users or computers, and showing individual group types.

Other Hyena v12.0 Changes

  • Added option to specify attribute list for 'View Deleted Objects'.

  • Added Moving and Renaming directory objects to Active Task.

  • Created method on Home Directory Template to allow 'Special' security settings.

  • Tool commands has been moved into its own re-sizable dialog.

  • Added Clear Selected to main menu (Control-T).

  • Added font size option to LDAP filter on Query Properties dialog.

  • Created separate section in 'Manage Directory Attributes' function to update DN-formatted (eg 'ManagedBy') attributes.

  • Enabled 'Find' button on LDAP Parameter dialog to prompt for DN-formatted attributes.

  • Fixed 'Modify' method in the Active Editor on TSE values.

  • Added group member class filtering to the Group Member Matrix view.

  • Added sorting capability to date/times returned in WMI queries.

  • Localized the date format returned in WMI queries to be either m/d/yy or d/m/yy depending on system locale.

  • Added File > Manage WMI Queries to main menu.

  • Fixed problem in Active Task that prevented 'user cannot change password' from being saved.

  • Added new error message in Active Task when 'user cannot change password' and 'user must change password at next logon' were both set.

  • Fixed problem caused by using %1, etc. in the macro command string and having these commands interpreted as AD replacement attribute names.

  • Added DefaultNewShareSecurity, ReadEntireEventLogDateRange, DnDisplayFormat and AllowExtendedListWindowKeySearch advanced registry settings.

  • Exporter Pro (v3.2): Added options to local group member exporting to allow viewing user enabled/disabled status, and exporting nested members.

Update and Revision History

  • Rev 'B' (August 10, 2016) - Modified password length to allow 256 characters on the Copy User to Server function.

  • Rev 'B' (August 10, 2016) - Disabled 'Clear Selected' menu option when nothing was displayed in the right window.

  • Rev 'B' (August 10, 2016) - Removed references to specific Exchange versions after Exchange 2010, now displayed as Exchange 201x.

Hyena v11.7 New Features

Updated AD Query Manager Updated Active Directory Query Manager

The Active Directory Query Manager in Hyena has been extensively modified with a new GUI, and many new features to make even complex Active Directory tasks easier to manage. New features include:

  • Modified Layout - The new layout makes better use of screen space and allows resizing for viewing more information.
  • Sub-Menu Support - Up to three (3) levels of sub-menus can now be created, allows for better management of large query sets.
  • Menu Level Options - Queries can now be placed directly on the main context menu for easier and faster access to the most common queries you select.
  • Import and Export - Easily export queries to your co-workers and import queries created by others.
  • Query Library - A new library of dozens of directory queries can now be accessed and used as templates and examples. See below for more information.

AD Query Library Active Directory Query Library

Hyena's new 'Active Directory Query Library' contains dozens of pre-defined Active Directory queries that can be imported into the current directory query list, and further customized as needed. Many of the queries in the Library can be used to learn about the options and features of Hyena's query parameters, LDAP filtering, automatic date offsets, and more.

Other Hyena v11.7 Changes

  • Moved the 'Select/Customize...' & 'View all Directory Attributes' options to the main context menu.

  • Fixed problem caused by custom account expiration displays (for example, showing --- for 'Never Expires') would result in crash when right clicking on the account expiration date due to the format not being an actual date.

  • Corrected problem with Special AD Symbols for group members.

  • Removed the multi-valued prefix when returning modified data to the right window after an Active Editor import.

  • Added new Advanced Setting, ShowDateTimeInTitleBar, for displaying the date/time in the main Hyena title bar.

  • Added a symbol to represent the current date, [TODAY], that can be placed into a custom query.

  • Increased custom tool limit to 290 tools.

  • Optimized the User 'View Logon Information' function to skip checking for the domain controller's replication identifier when the option to find the originating source lockout server is not selected.

Update and Revision History

  • Rev 'B' (November 30, 2015) - Sorted the advanced settings (Tools > Settings > Advanced) by default by the name of the setting.

  • Rev 'B' (November 30, 2015) - Added a new symbol, %SYM_AD_GROUP_PARENT%, that can be added to group member queries to show the 'parent' group for indirect group displays.  This symbol is useful when nesting groups and showing group membership displays for multiple groups, so that the originating parent group can be added to the output.

  • Rev 'B' (November 30, 2015) - Corrected GUI issue when resizing AD Queries dialog that caused a couple of buttons to not be placed correctly.

  • Rev 'B' (November 30, 2015) - Modified the method used in Active Task to add new objects to groups, in some cases using the new objects' SID.

  • Rev 'B' (November 30, 2015) - Modified the error message when new objects can not be added to groups, to show both the group and member path.

  • Rev 'B' (November 30, 2015) - Created a workaround when updating share security information (Share Properties) when the server is a non-Windows filer (for example a NetApp device) to set the security permissions in a different manner.

  • Rev 'C' (January 7, 2016) - Added 'Find' button to Manage Directory Attributes function when a DN attribute was selected.

  • Rev 'C' (January 7, 2016) - Enabled scrolling on tree control in Exchange Properties > Email Addresses.

  • Rev 'C' (January 7, 2016) - Changed wording on Edit > Find dialog to better reflect the filtering behavior (English only).

  • Rev 'C' (January 7, 2016) - Fixed problem in Exchange Properties > Mail Restrictions dialog that caused the Send Limits to be hidden.

  • Exporter Pro (January 7, 2016) - Added option to export scheduled tasks for new task scheduler (Vista and later).

  • Rev 'D' (January 15, 2016) - Fixed problem with Add/Remove group member function crashing.

  • Rev 'E' (March 18, 2016) - Fixed problem with '.' in dates causing account expiration validation problems (Active Task).

  • Rev 'E' (March 18, 2016) - Fixed problem with Windows returning a date in the incorrect format for [TODAY] for non-US date format users, causing incorrect query processing.

  • Rev 'E' (March 18, 2016) - Fixed [TODAY] symbol replacement problem in Active Directory queries when two different date-data types were used in the same query with the same [TODAY] replacement values.

Hyena v11.5 New Features

Windows 10 Compatible Windows 10 Compatible

Windows® 10 Compatible certification means this product met Microsoft testing requirements for compatibility with 64-bit and 32-bit Windows 10. To earn the "Windows 10 Compatible" logo, apps and devices must pass Microsoft-designed installation, performance, reliability and security tests so you can be sure these products are compatible with Windows 10. Hyena v11.5 has been tested to meet all of the technical requirements to be "Windows 10 Compatible".

AD Mgmt Functions New AD Management Functions

Hyena's support for Active Directory attribute administration, both individually and through both the Active Editor and Active Task components has been improved with new advanced features. The changes include new support for importing and updating Distinguished Name (DN) fields (such as 'Manager') without needing to specify a full DN value.

For Active Tasks, new 'Match' options control which directory attribute is used to lookup a matching record for easy DN retrieval. This same functionality is also available in the Active Editor, both interactively and when importing.

Updating Distinguished Name (DN) Attributes

For Active Tasks, new 'Match' options control which directory attribute is used to lookup a matching record for easy DN retrieval. This same functionality is also available in the Active Editor, both interactively and when importing.


When updating DN-formatted attributes in mass or when importing, constructing a valid DN is often not possible.

Hyena can update DN attributes by specifying an alternate attribute to match against, and then lookup the DN for the matching object. Using the previous example, if the 'SamAccountName' value for CN=Jane.Doe is 'JaneDoe', then by entering 'JaneDoe', Hyena will retrieve the associated DN for the directory object whose 'SamAccountName' = 'JaneDoe'. Hyena can use the CN, Name, SamAccountName, or DistinguishedName values when retrieving a matching object's DN. The alternate directory attribute to match against is configured as follows:

Active Editor - Use Tools > Settings > Active Editor and set the field to match against.

Active Task - Use the task Options > Match dialog to set the field to match against.

Hyena will ensure that a matching record exists, and that only one directory object has the matching value.

Also added were:

  • 'Copy to Clipboard' options have been added to facilitate keeping track of changes (Active Editor, Active Task).
  • Added support to modify multi-valued integer values (Manage Directory Attributes, Active Editor, Active Task).
  • Added support to modify octet string attributes in the Active Editor.
  • Added support to clear octet string attributes in Manage Directory Attributes function.

Query Setup Improved Object Manager and Query Setup

One of the biggest changes to come to Hyena for some time is the change in the familiar File > Manage Object View menu option. All of the configuration controls in Hyena have been moved into separate dialogs, in order to facilitate resizing as well as upcoming new features. Changes include:

Object Manager - The Object Manager can still be accessed by selecting File > Manage Object View, or through the first tool bar button. The object manager now supports resizing as well.

Active Directory Queries - Management of AD queries has been moved to its own, re-sizable dialog as well. A new tool bar button (2nd from left) has also been added, as well as a menu option, File > Manage Active Directory Queries.

WMI - Administration of WMI queries has been moved to a menu option on both the main WMI node under any computer, or by right clicking on any WMI query class name. Also added were options to copy an existing WMI query and an option to sort WMI classes either automatically (alphabetically) or manually.

Performance - Management of performance queries can now be accessed by right clicking on the main 'Performance' object on any computer.

Other - The AD Custom Fields has been moved to Tools > Settings > Active Directory > "Custom Fields", and the Nodes dialog has been moved to a button on the Object Manager page.

Advanced settings New Advanced Settings

A large number of new advanced settings have been added in the v11.5 release:

AutoUpdateMailAttribute - This setting, added in v11.2, has been changed from true/false to an integer value. When the email addresses (stored in the AD attribute named 'proxyaddresses') are updated in the Exchange Management Console (EMC), the default SMTP address will be written to the 'mail' attribute. This setting was added to have options to mirror this EMC behavior in Hyena, with some additional functionality. Possible values:

0 - Do NOT update the 'mail' attribute when the default SMTP address is changed, without confirmation.

1 - Always update the 'mail' attribute when the default SMTP address is changed, without confirmation.

2 - (Default): Display a confirmation YES/NO dialog when the default SMTP addressed is changed asking if the 'mail' attribute should be updated to match. This dialog also allows this advanced setting to be set as well (ie turned off)

UseAdminShareOnShareShellProperties - This setting is mainly meant to assist users using Filers or NetApp devices to view the Explorer (shell) Properties dialog for shared objects. A share located at, for example, \\server\share_name can be accessed either through the share \share_name, or through the root admin share on the drive where the share is located (ie \\server\c$\shared_dir). Some network filer devices lack an admin share, access to the admin share, or very slow access to an admin share. By accessing a share and any directories under the share through the share itself, access to the admin share is not needed.

The default value for this setting is FALSE, meaning an admin share will be used for any Explorer (shell) properties dialogs.

Changing this setting to TRUE will force Hyena to use the share name in any Explorer (shell) dialogs or functions. A side-effect of changing this option to TRUE may be a different look to the Properties dialog due to Explorer's behavior.

The easiest way to see the effect of this setting is to right click on a shared directory (or subdirectory), and view the Properties of the shared folder. Observe the differences in the tabs and other features to determine which view is preferred, and if there is a performance impact.

AccountNeverExpiresIndicator - By default, Hyena will display a localized word for 'NEVER' when the 'AccountExpires' directory attribute is displayed for accounts that are set for non-expiration. Use this setting to control the phrase or characters used for 'Never Expires', ie "---", or enter a single space character to display nothing at all. An empty blank value will display the equivalent of 'NEVER' for accounts that never expire.

ShowNoProfileWarning - When the user profile manager is used when deleting users (Tools > Settings > User "Show User Profile Manager...), a warning is displayed if the user being deleted does not have any profile or home directory information. Set this setting to 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' is control the display of this pop-up warning. The warning that gets displayed also has an option to turn itself off, which will in turn set this advanced setting to 'False'.

ShowGlobalGroupExchangeMenu - Some Exchange installations that were migrated from earlier Exchange versions can have mail-enabled global groups. Set this setting to 'TRUE' to allow the Exchange menu to be displayed when right clicking on global groups. By default, Hyena will only show the Exchange functions menu for universal groups.

UseServerOnGroupMemberUpdates - This setting is used to force the name of the server into the group distinguished name paths when adding group members or 'member of' to groups. NOTE: Only enable this setting when directed by SystemTools support in order to attempt resolving "the server is unwilling to perform" errors.

UpdateRasThruAdAttributes - When attempting to manage RAS (dialin) settings using a Windows 7 or Windows 8 client, often errors such as "class not registered" will be encountered. This is due to a combination of configuration issues and missing or incorrect .dll files needed to update RAS settings. To workaround these issues, and avoid having to run Hyena directly on the server, this option can be enabled to directly change the underlying directory attributes related to RAS settings instead of going through a Microsoft API function. NOTE: Only enable this setting when directed by SystemTools support in order to attempt to resolve these errors.

ShowUnresolvedSharePermSids - Hyena will by default not show any unresolved SIDs when viewing share permissions in the right list window. Set this setting to 'TRUE' to display unresolved SIDs in the S-xxx-xxx format in the share permissions view. This setting has no effect when viewing the share properties.

Other changes to the advanced settings include making the default value TRUE for 'UseNetbiosOnTseFunctions', and adding the capability to sort the setting name or value.

Other Hyena v11.5 Changes

  • Added %SYM_AD_GROUP_TYPE_ONLY% and %SYM_AD_GROUP_SCOPE_ONLY% symbols to AD symbol list. These new symbols can be used to respectively provide only the group type (Security or Distribution) or group scope (Local, Global, or Universal) in a single value. The AD 'GroupType' attribute includes both the group type and scope in a single value.

  • Changed the default behavior for new installations to use large tool bar buttons, full row selection, and grid lines in Hyena's right window displays.

  • Modified the wording on the group member and user group removal confirmation dialog to reflect that the group member was being removed and not that the group or user was going to be deleted.

  • Modified directory queries to format the attribute 'msds-user-account-computed' the same as the 'UserAccountControl' attribute.

  • Added new error message when a shared settings file cannot be found.

  • Added file and folder browse buttons to General and Report settings dialogs.

  • All Active Directory date attributes, including account expiration, can now use custom formatting settings, as controlled under the advanced settings 'DateFormatMask' and 'DateTimeFormatMask'.

  • All non-Active Directory date display fields, for example file dates, can now also use custom formatting settings.

  • Added support for Access-based Enumeration flag on the Share Properties dialog.

  • Modified the 'View NTFS Security' function to allow only processing a maximum directory depth.

  • The 'User Profile Manager' dialog will now optionally be displayed only once and can be set to perform the same action on all selected user accounts.

  • The 'View Logon Information' dialog has been modified with the following changes:

    • The dialog is now re-sizable.

    • Last logoff information has been removed (never used in Active Directory).

    • The date/time of the last bad password on each domain controller has been added.

    • The account lockout time on each domain controller has been added.

    • The domain controller that originated an account lockout has been added.

  • Created new menu option on the Exchange Functions menu to view the Exchange mailbox security descriptor ('msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor').

  • When viewing share permissions, the error message when unresolved SIDs are encountered has been changed, and can be suppressed when viewing permissions on multiple shares.

  • When using the 'View Logon information' function on a directory object retrieved directly from an static OU object (no domain), the domain field will now be populated.

Update and Revision History

  • Rev 'E' (August 6, 2015) - Fixed problem in non-English versions when attempting to display the AD query builder dialog (Group Matrix and Active Task).

  • Rev 'E' (August 6, 2015) - Added an error message to be displayed when a template file could not be opened for reading.

  • Rev 'E' (August 6, 2015) - Added the object's server as a starting point to the domain selection when using the "Managed By" (Object tab) picker dialog.

  • Rev 'D' (June 5, 2015) - Fixed an issue with the sorting of dates where some dates off by one day would sort incorrectly (off by one day), due to internal numeric scaling issues.

  • Rev 'C' (May 12, 2015) - Fixed the mechanism to lookup the original source replicating server on the 'View Logon Information' dialog, and also optimized the View All Controllers function to not re-retrieve the domain controller list from the domain.

  • Rev 'C' (May 12, 2015) - Highlighted and added a workstation image to the last controller entry used for a user to logon (authenticate) to on the 'View Logon Information' dialog.

  • Rev 'C' (May 12, 2015) - Added new Advanced settings (Tools > Settings > Advanced), "DefaultFindForm", to allow control over the default 'form', or directory search, when using the 'Find' feature on AD containers and OUs.

Hyena v11.2 New Features

Active TaskActive Task

Hyena's 'Active Task' feature, introduced in Hyena v11.0, has been extended to allow mass group updating when adding or updating Active Directory objects. Through the use of flexible templates, group members can now be added easily to new or existing users, computers, contacts, or other groups.

Also added were new options to manage task Validation Files, and improved validation file error reporting.

Click here for more information on Hyena's new 'Active Task' functionality.

Other Improvements

  • A 'Search and Replace' feature has been added to the 'Active Editor'.
  • The 'Active Editor' can now optionally allow data to be processed that contains errors (after user confirmation).
  • When removing the last query for a WMI class, the WMI class name is removed from the query list.
  • 'Add Domain to View' function modified to only support Active Directory domains.
  • Added option to copy EVTX-based events to clipboard.
  • Removed the port identifier on the ADsServer field when looking at user properties to prevent errors.
  • Prevented the entry of spaces in the "other" directory attributes entry dialog.
  • Fixed empty field with the sort indicator when creating new AD queries.
  • Allowed showing/skipping inherited file permissions.
  • Added additional values to the 'MsExchRecipientDisplayType' values.
  • Fixed problem where "Save As" option on template would not enable OK button when clicking on existing template name.
  • Enabled the scheduled task and EVTX-based event functions to use the 'Logon As' credentials entered for a computer/server.

Update and Revision History

  • Rev 'F' (February 20, 2015) - Changed the behavior of the "View NTFS Permissions" function when executed from the right window on shared objects to use the share path, ie \\server\share_name, as a starting base path, instead of starting at the root of the drive and using the administrative share, ie \\server\c$\shared_dir. This change will allow use of the permissions function on NetApp and similar file servers that do not support access through an administrative share or where no such administrative share exists.

  • Rev 'E' (January 28, 2015) - Added new Advanced settings (Tools > Settings > Advanced), "AutoUpdateMailAttribute", to provide compatibility with the EMC when updating proxy email addresses.

  • Rev 'E' (January 28, 2015) - Added new Advanced settings (Tools > Settings > Advanced), "WmiMaxConnectTimeoutEnabled".

  • Rev 'E' (January 28, 2015) - Corrected problem with being unable to ping computers from an Active Directory group member query.

  • Rev 'E' (January 28, 2015) - Corrected problem in Active Task that could cause some existing security settings in the UserAccountControl attribute to be changed when being updating with additional or alternate values.

  • Rev 'D' (January 16, 2015) - Corrected a problem with the Microsoft "Find" dialog that resulted in directory paths without servers to be returned, resulting in errors when listing directory security and other problems due to the missing server address.

  • Rev 'D' (January 16, 2015) - Added new Advanced setting (Tools > Settings > Advanced), "KeepAdContainersTogetherOnSort". The default value for this setting is 'True', which causes any Active Directory query listing that contains directory container⁄OU objects to place these objects at the top⁄bottom of any sort. Essentially, AD containers will always be kept together when sorting, similar to sorting a file directory listing with both files and folders. Changing this value to 'False' will result in the AD containers to be treated the same when sorting as individual objects. Previous versions of Hyena always forced the 'True' behavior, so now with this setting, it can be changed back to 'False'.

  • Rev 'C' (December 12, 2014) - Added capability to place Active Directory attribute names as symbols (ie %UserPrincipalName%) into custom tools or Tools > Generate Macro output.

  • Rev 'C' (December 12, 2014) - When running Hyena with the "Expand current domain on startup" option enabled, Hyena will now check both the Netbios and DNS current domain name against the domain object list.

  • Rev 'C' (December 12, 2014) - Added error reporting and checking to the Group Policy > Properties dialog.

  • Rev 'B' (December 3, 2014) - Added the capability to include the user account flag symbols (ie %SYM_AD_FLAGS_DISABLED%) to group member queries.

  • Rev 'B' (December 3, 2014) - Increased the maximum length of the service description to 2048 characters to prevent an error when displaying service properties on non-English Windows versions.

Hyena v11.0 New Features

Active TaskActive Task

Hyena's new 'Active Task' feature brings new capabilities to Hyena's award-winning Active Directory management tools, including:

  • Import Active Directory updates and create new Directory objects from delimited text input files.
  • Easy task-based configuration; task settings automatically saved for repeated execution.
  • Optional user home directory creation and security settings.
  • Modify nearly any AD attribute including text, numeric, true/false, terminal server, user photo and more.
  • Extensive validation and logging to reduce errors.

Click here for more information on Active Task.

Exchange Microsoft Exchange Integration Improvements

We've made numerous changes to the Microsoft Exchange 2010/2013 Integration components, including:

  • Management of mailbox Retention Policy

    Retention Policies can be included in the mailbox template, modified on the Mailbox Properties, and specified during mailbox creation.

  • Added Archive Options to Mailbox Properties

    Mailbox Properties now includes the archive properties, plus the ability to create a local or remote archive.

  • Added Exchange Properties to universal (distribution) groups
  • Added Exchange Properties to contacts

Other Improvements

  • Enabled DnsToNetbios conversion when saving terminal server settings.

  • Added "delayed startup" option to batch service control function.

  • Fixed the recallable views feature to properly restore the AD attribute data types so that numeric data could be sorted correctly.

  • Added 'msExchDisabledArchiveGUID' to the list of GUID values that can be displayed.

  • Updated Exporter Pro to allow specifying a timeout value for WMI queries.

Update and Revision History

  • Rev 'G' (October 31, 2014) - Enabled usage of Hyena's internal object picker when using the Account Functions > Add/Remove from Group... option and the Advanced Setting 'UseHyenaObjectPicker' is set to True.

  • Rev 'G' (October 31, 2014) - Corrected a problem with the 'ValidateUserLogonUpn' setting that caused a validation failure for existing accounts when the user UPN was not updated or viewed.

  • Rev 'F' (October 22, 2014) - Reduced the size of the areas on the User Properties > General dialog that can be clicked on (the whitespace area) that would turn on/off the check boxes for several user settings. This prevents a setting from being changed inadvertently when the right-most side of the dialog is clicked in.

  • Rev 'F' (October 22, 2014) - Changed the share caching options to only modify client-side cache settings and not affect other settings that may be used by other applications.

  • Rev 'E' (September 24, 2014) - Added new validation options for User Principal Names (UPNs): ValidateUserLogonUpn and ValidateDuplicateUserLogonUpn. For more information on these settings, see the Advanced Settings Topic.

  • Rev 'E' (September 24, 2014) - Added additional information to error display of the SystemTools Update Checker when an error is encountered reading the information from regarding the current version.

  • Rev 'E' (September 24, 2014) - Fixed the internal override for displaying OU/containers in the tree window to always show the name and description for sub-containers, regardless of the directory attributes used for the default query.

  • Rev 'E' (September 24, 2014) - When viewing computer Properties, Hyena will now display the svcVersion and svcUpdateVersion for newer versions of Internet Explorer.

  • Rev 'E' (September 24, 2014) - Added additional step to register systemtools_psi.dll from the v4.0 framework directory.

  • Rev 'E' (September 24, 2014) - Corrected internal routines to not convert SID into other formats when using alternate display settings for SIDs.

  • Rev 'E' (September 24, 2014) - Displayed msExchRecipientDisplayType as numeric value when it cannot be interpreted.

  • Rev 'E' (September 24, 2014) - Modified Group Properties dialog to allow more than 255 characters in the description field.

  • Rev 'D' (July 31, 2014) - Modified the sort sequence of user-related icons when 'Sort by Icon' is used.

  • Rev 'D' (July 31, 2014) - Modified the filter capabilities in Exporter Pro to allow more free use of wildcards (* and ?) in file names filters.

  • Rev 'D' (July 31, 2014) - Modified the Active Editor to allow editing the group type attribute, including entering in negative numbers for integer values.

  • Rev 'D' (July 31, 2014) - Added new advanced setting for controlling the display of the group type for Active Directory groups (grouptype attribute). Options include the default friendly display name, raw numeric value, or the same value as used in the Active Task and Active Editor components. See the Advanced Settings topic (GroupTypeDisplayFormat) for more information.

  • Rev 'D' (July 31, 2014) - Added new advanced settings for controlling the display of binary Active Directory data on SIDs, GUIDs, and other binary data. See the Advanced Settings topic (SidDisplayFormat, GuidDisplayFormat, and BinaryDisplayFormat) for more information.

  • Rev 'C' (July 17, 2014) - Corrected a naming issue when creating new Active Directory organizational units (OUs) using Active Task.

  • Rev 'C' (July 17, 2014) - Changed behavior for Exchange Properties to optionally warn about object not being mail-enabled.

  • Rev 'C' (July 17, 2014) - Allowed the standard computer context menu to be displayed when a mix of computers and domain controllers are selected.

  • Rev 'C' (July 17, 2014) - (Active Task) Enabled the 'Remove' button on user-defined fields for group member management tasks.

  • Rev 'C' (July 17, 2014) - (Active Task) Validated (if enabled) the directory path if the WinNT: provider is used for group member-task types.

  • Rev 'C' (July 17, 2014) - (Active Task) Defaulted the provider (LDAP: or WinNT:) for the %MEMBER_PATH% symbol.

  • Rev 'C' (July 17, 2014) - (Active Task) Disabled validating target container unless validation turned on.

  • Rev 'B' (June 24, 2014) - Added the EVTX event channel (log) name to the error message when opening the channel so that inaccessible channels could be determined for better troubleshooting.

  • Rev 'B' (June 24, 2014) - Corrected program crash when attempting to view the GPOs assigned to an OU which had one or more 'inaccessible' policies assigned. Inaccessible policies will be displayed with the name 'inaccessible'. This situation can occur when the policy cannot be opened, usually due to security restrictions on the account running Hyena.

  • Rev 'B' (June 24, 2014) - Fixed display issue when multiple Exchange 2010/2013 domain server assignment templates were configured.

  • Rev 'B' (June 24, 2014) - Modified the Active Task function to allow importing and modifying the object class.

Hyena v10.5 New Features

Using Active Editor in Hyena v10.0
Watch the Active Editor Video

Matrix Group Member Matrix

Ever wanted to have an easy way to see Active Directory group members in an easy-to-understand format?  The new Group Member Matrix will present all members of multiple groups in a simple grid, including direct, indirect (nested), and primary membership.  

You get to decide how many groups to process, plus the options and symbols for the different types of group memberships. Then, let Hyena do the hard work. As always, this information can be quickly exported.

See the new Group Member Matrix topic in Hyena's help file for the complete details.

Active EditorActive Editor Improvements

The 'Active Editor', introduced in Hyena v10.0, just got better!  A number of new features have been added to the Editor, including support for multi-valued attributes, account expiration date, as well as multi-selection and update capabilities. 

With the new multi-selection capability, the same value can now be assigned to multiple objects at once. The new support for updating multi-valued attributes includes options for updating, adding, and removing individual values. No scripting required!

See the Active Editor topic in Hyena's help file to learn more.

Other Improvements

When importing data into the editor, an error message will be displayed for each non-writable field, instead of stopping the import on the first error.

Added option in the Active Editor import settings to ignore the first input line.

Added support to allow placeholders in the Active Editor import data. See the "Using Replaceable Attribute Parameters" section in Hyena's help file for detailed information.

When viewing the account expiration date in directory queries, the value of 'NEVER' will be used for 'never expires'.

The account expiration date can now be modified in the "Manage Directory Attributes" function.

The symbol '%username%' can now be used in the Active Editor and Manage Directory Attributes function as a placeholder (equates to %samaccountname% symbol)

The multi-valued field delimiter can now be changed (Tools > Settings > Active Directory). See the "Options and Settings > Active Directory" topic in Hyena's help file for more information.

Added an 'Inherited' column to the Active Directory security display. This information was previously indicated by the state (image color) of the icon.

Modified the "View Logged On" function to optionally only show Volatile entries, indicating an actively logged on user.

Modified the "Copy to Clipboard" dialog to allow writing the icon ID to the clipboard.

Added advanced settings to not interpret the useraccountcontrol attribute (ShowRawUserAccountControl). This option allows the numeric value to be displayed and updated in the Active Editor. See the "Advanced Registry Settings" topic in Hyena's help file for more information.

Added msDS-LastFailedInteractiveLogonTime, msDS-LastSuccessfulInteractiveLogonTime, and msDS-userpasswordexpirytimecomputed attributes to the list of date/time fields. These new AD attributes can be added to any AD query.

Information can now be pasted with Control-V into the filter headers in the right window.

Added Group Notes (info) field to special group symbols for the Group Member query type.

Added new AD query symbols for account disabled, no password expiration, lockout status, and smartcard required.

Update and Revision History

  • Rev 'F' (March 26, 2014) - Corrected issue with Hyena crashing when reading non-EVTX (non-Crimson) event logs when the event message string contained placeholders, but the event developer did not include the message placeholders in the event data. This mainly affected ma-formed event messages from 3rd party providers.

  • Rev 'F' (March 26, 2014) - Enabled directory attribute placeholders to be used in the Active Editor for multi-valued attributes.

  • Rev 'F' (March 26, 2014) - Changed the behavior of the old AT-style job scheduler to not add the current date to jobs to prevent the AT-style jobs from being erroneously created as monthly jobs under the newer task scheduling systems.

  • Rev 'E' (March 10, 2014) - Fixed problem when query was modified while viewing group members.

  • Rev 'E' (March 10, 2014) - Corrected issue with leading character being truncated when displaying the name of the Exchange mailbox database.

  • Rev 'E' (March 10, 2014) - Increased the amount of storage space available on the list window filtering controls.

  • Rev 'D' (January 20, 2014) - Removed 'Check for Updates' button on Licensing Verify dialog if license entered on program startup.

  • Rev 'D' (January 20, 2014) - Added new Advanced Setting - UseNetbiosOnTseFunctions.

  • Rev 'D' (January 20, 2014) - Added new Advanced Setting - HideNonDsEnabledRoDCs.

  • Rev 'C' (January 6, 2014) - Fixed crash/field selection when using up/down buttons on Group Member Matrix query builder.

  • Rev 'C' (January 6, 2014) - Fixed computer, group, and OU/container "Managed By" to allow entry of built-in security objects, as well as security-enabled groups.

  • Rev 'C' (January 6, 2014) - Worked around problem with Microsoft object picker dialog improperly escaping the forward slash character, causing errors when changing the Managed By property.

  • Rev 'C' (January 6, 2014) - Changed default behavior in Hyena and Exporter Pro to migrate and find configuration files in the user's profile directory.

  • Rev 'B' (December 12, 2013) - Added up/down button to the query builder used to select the directory attributes for the Group Member Matrix dialog.

  • Rev 'B' (December 12, 2013) - Corrected a problem when double-clicking on the Members object under a group in the left window that caused the resulting display to show indirect members (incorrect view).

