
Solutions to Simplify Active Directory Management

Our most popular product can be your most powerful asset!

SystemTools HyenaUsed by tens of thousands of system administrators worldwide for twenty-five (25) years, Hyena is known throughout the industry as one of the top Windows and Active Directory management utilities any price! It is designed to both simplify and centralize nearly all of the day-to-day management tasks, while providing new capabilities for system administration. This functionality is provided in a single, centralized, easy to use product. Whether your organization is using Windows 2003, Windows 2022 or anything and everything in between, you can manage everything with one tool.

Review: SystemTools Hyena - Simplify Active Directory Management

Hyena, our comprehensive and award-winning Active Directory and Windows system management software, now includes multiple ways to mass-update Active Directory information : Use the new Active Task feature for mass updating and importing of Active Directory information, or use the Active Editor, an interactive Active Directory editor that lets you freely move around and modify directory information as easily as if it were in a spreadsheet.

Download Now. Click here for a FREE 30-day, fully functional evaluation copy of Hyena

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Hyena v16.0 Features

Hyena v15 New Features in Hyena 16.0

Hyena v16.0 contains a number of new features and improvements, building on improvements to the base v15.x platform including:

  • Rebuilt the SystemTools Remote Control Manager (STRCM) to current VC runtime to prevent need to install older Microsoft runtime files.

  • Modified check for updates and license verification functions for improved privacy and security.

  • Fixed setting "Protect Object from Accidental Deletion" and "User Cannot Change Password" by using Windows Powershell instead of Microsoft API functions which no longer function properly on some Windows versions.

Other Changes

Event Log

    • Fixed event log filter offset date range for days to properly set end date when not using "Include Today" option.

    • Removed trailing and leading blanks and tabs from event log filters for event IDs, source, and user/group.

    • Added error message when event log cannot be opened due to Windows 11 update bug.

Task Management

    • Fixed display of task logon type on task Properties for tasks created or copied from v1.0 New Task function.

    • Added better support for task compatibility types, including Windows 10/11.


    • Fixed GUI glitch that added Active Directory 'Users' base note to new user preview window.

Click here for a complete list of New Features in Hyena v16.0 and earlier releases.

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